Monday, October 24, 2011

my little dreamer...

Reid talks a lot in his sleep...he always has. I remember when he was a little of a year old, he woke up in the middle of the night and was talking, although we couldn't understand much. He acted as if he was scared of something or upset, and it took us quite a while to get him calmed down and back to sleep. I think he does this because he's a very active, energetic, intelligent, and strong-willed child...he's always busy and always thinking. My little brother, Kassidy, did the same thing. He would frequently wake up and talk during the night. He'd be talking to someone or acting out a scenario....sometimes when he was really little he would be fighting with my cousin Jon-Michael in his sleep, and other times he would just be upset or worried about something and it would take my parents quite a while to actually "wake" him up. This usually happened when Kassidy had played really hard that day, was extremely exhausted/stressed, or when he had been playing with lots of kids that day. It's the same for Reid. He usually does this on nights when we've had a crazy, chaotic day, or when we've been really busy, or when he's been playing with Grayson or lots of other kids. Sometimes he talks or argues with Grayson and then goes back to sleep, and other times he starts crying and doesn't know what he wants. We hold him, walk around with him, try and wake him up, and eventually he calms down. It's like his brain is always it's hard for him to slow it down sometimes...I can relate. Sometimes I think he's uncomfortable because he needs to go to the restroom, so he can't rest well. After he goes to the potty, he's usually settles down and falls back to sleep.
Tonight, I had just gotten into a hot bath when I heard him start crying. He was in our bed, of course, and I heard Jeb start to soothe him, "what's wrong, bubba?" I got out of the bath, walked into the bedroom, and Reid was sitting up in bed, crying and very upset. "I need that basketball! I just really need it. My basketball!!" He was still asleep. It seemed as if he was having a dream and someone wouldn't give him the ball. Last night we took Reid to the Kevin Durant charity game, so it makes sense that he had basketball on his mind. He absolutely LOVES K.D. and the Thunder. Although he was a little confused when we walked into the Cox Convention Center and headed upstairs. He wanted to sit on the floor because that's where we sit when we watch the Thunder play. After looking at the players for a minute and observing warm-ups of the pick-up game, he said, "mama, this ISN'T the Thunder!!" :)
So as I was saying, it makes sense that he's dreaming of basketballs. I asked him if he wanted his basketball and he said yes. So then I clarified, "your big basketball or little basketball?" I didn't want to get the wrong size and have another meltdown! "The big one. Thanks, mama." So as I'm looking at the little blond-haired boy in my bed, fast asleep - one arm around a basketball that's taking up more of the pillow than his head does, and his daddy, who's sharing his bed with two children, his wife, a stuffed bunny, and a basketball...I think to myself, "you're gonna miss this." 

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