Sunday, March 15, 2015

10 months.

10 Things I Love About Rush at 10 Months Old
- I love that your favorite word is "ball" and that you have to hold a giant basketball every time you're in your car seat.
- I love how you squeal and try to run when you play chase with your bubba and sissy.
- I love that your favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear."
- I love that you're smart and curious. You know how to brush your hair, and you like carrying a hair brush around the house with you.
- I love that you still eat organic baby food, and that quinoa has become a favorite for breakfast.
- I love that you can wave bye bye, and that when you want to go outside, you pat on the front door and say "bye!"
- I love that you favorite person is your Papa Kelbo, and that you follow him around like a little puppy dog. 
- I love your high-pitched squeals when you want something, or want out of your car seat…daddy, however, not so much.
- I love how you sit up in bed and clap your hands to wake me up in the mornings.
- I love that you will always be my baby.
We went for your 9 month check-up last week (just one month late!), and you were perfectly healthy! You are on the 25-50 percentile for your height and your weight (just like Reid and LilliAnn were), and you are ahead of schedule for all major milestones. We're still delaying immunizations at this time (Reid and LilliAnn haven't had any immunizations yet either). Your two top teeth are just about ready to pop through, and you've been quite fussy this past week! You haven't been sleeping well, and you've been waking up every couple of hours to nurse. Naps have gotten shorter, and you sleep best when someone is holding you…especially if it's your papa!
People cannot believe it when they see you walking. They'll say, "Oh my goodness! He walks?" And when I reply with, "Yes! He's been walking for over a month now…," they are always so shocked! You've finally figured out how to turn around backwards and go down one or two steps and you LOVE doing this. You go up and down the one step in nana's living room, and you'll look up at me and smile like you're so proud of yourself!
Chick-Fil-A fruit cup…one of our faves!
10 Month Facts:
- You LOVE green beans from Paul's Place.
- You still sleep in mommy and daddy's bed.
- You love pushing any kind of buttons. 
-You really LOVE music and dancing - watching you dance is the cutest thing EVER!
- You love to drink water, and can down an entire sippy cup in no time.
- Dum Dum suckers down at papa's office are a fave!
- You love silly voices and playing games.
- You won't walk in shoes - of any kind…
- This makes for LOTS of dirty socks.
- Your very first go-kart ride was last week (thanks to big brother and big sister)!
I love you, baby Rush. You are {literally} a dream come true. 

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