Sunday, August 15, 2010

4 Months of Lil: Bathing Beauty

I can't believe it's already been 4 months since we brought LilliAnn home on that cool, stormy night in April. Rain usually symbolizes rebirth, or a new beginning, and that's exactly what it was for our family...a new beginning. It was as if our family was really complete and that now we could really  begin - the four of us. So...what can I say about LilliAnn in her 4 months of being on this earth? The first word that comes to my mind is angel...she's my little angel baby - so easy going, such a sweetheart, so beautiful. She just goes with the flow - never puts up a fight unless she's very hungry or very sleepy. And yes, she DOES have a little temper like her daddy. It takes a lot to make her mad, but when she gets mad...boy does she ever get MAD! She's been sleeping through the night on most nights for over a month now and I can't even begin to tell how how wonderful it is to have a child that sleeps! Reid still wakes up one or two times in the night (even though he is finally in his bed...most nights). It's crazy how two children can come from the same parents and be so incredible different! My mom always talked about this related to Kassidy and I - both great kids, but just so different. LilliAnn and Reid seem to be like this - both unbelievably wonderful, but very different. Reid has more of my personality while LilliAnn has more of Jeb's. 
I know, I'm a little biased...but I think she's the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. She has the most beautiful blue eyes with a hint of gray and sometimes a hint of green, depending on what she's wearing, just like her daddy's. I never imagined that God would bless me with a little girl this adorable. One of my favorite things is how she smiles with her whole body and when she giggles it makes my heart happy. She's growing like a weed! She weighs almost 15 pounds and is 24 1/2 inches long! 
I just couldn't be more proud of this baby girl. Last night she was laying in the middle of Jeb and I and he looked at me and said, "She's the most perfect baby. I've never seen a baby more beautiful than her. That's why everyone always wants to hold her." He's crazy about LilliAnn - and very protective of her too! Just wait until she starts dating...he may go to jail :) But Jeb is right...she is beautiful, even with this little strip of newborn hair along her neckline that's a lot longer than the rest of her hair - kind of like a little old man who's went bald everywhere but on the back of his head. Jeb wants to cut it because it looks like a mullet but I just LOVE it! I think because it's all she has left of her newborn days and I'm trying so hard to hold on to her newborn days...just a little bit longer. 
More about the sleeping...Lil is such a GREAT sleeper! When we're at home and not at the lake she'll sleep from about 10 o'clock until about 8 o'clock in her  own bed on most nights. She takes about 2 or 3 cat naps during the day and usually about 1 really long nap in the late afternoon. Reid was born a month early so he seemed to do most everything just right on time. LilliAnn, however, seems to be doing everything early! Maybe it's because she has an older brother that she watches constantly and tries to keep up with. She absolutely LOVES Reid...even though he tries to ride her like a bull when she's on her tummy! She fusses when she's not by him where all the action is! 
For the past few weeks she's been reaching for things and people and using her hands a lot! She has a little organic cloth doll called a Seedling that she reaches for and loves to chew on. She has this doll with her most of the time and when she's fussing in her car seat this doll always soothes her. The first time she reached for me was last week and I just couldn't get over it! I was like, "oh, she wants her mommy!" She rolls both ways, sits up for very brief periods of time by herself (propped on her arms), and has even been army crawling a little when a toy is put in front of her! 
LilliAnn Loves:
-watching Reid
-playing Peek-a-Boo
-singing songs
-bouncing on your knee
-playing in the Baby Einstein exersaucer
-her Seedling doll
-naps in her crib
-looking at herself in the mirror
All done mommy! No more pictures!
My baby girl is growing up TOO FAST! Although Jeb and I are pretty sure our family is complete, there are times that I think I may one day want another one - like all of this baby stuff is going to be over with way too soon! It's crazy and chaotic at times, but there's nothing like rocking a newborn baby, nursing her as she snuggles close to me, and hearing her little giggles and goos for the first time. Lord, please help me to relax, ignore the messes for now, and savor my moments with these precious babies.

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