Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Whenever LilliAnn wants to nurse she'll say, "open." It actually sounds like "opa." It's kind of embarrassing because when we're in public she'll grab my shirt or try and raise it up, saying "opa! opa! OPA!" Yes, I know she's almost 16 months old, but it's just worked for us. Lately, she's been nursing morning and night and one or two times in between if I'm not working. I'm a human pacifier for the most part. This morning Reid and I were
cuddled in the bed watching "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" on Disney, when sissy walks up to the side of the bed wanting to join us. As I put her in the bed she pulls at my shirt, "opa!" Then looks at me with the sweetest smile and says in the sweetest, soft little voice, "peeeease?" (please). You think it's time to wean? :)

And speaking of sweet Reid's getting in the bath this morning he looks at me and says "mom, you know? You know? I love you." Then LilliAnn grabs
my leg and greets me with kisses as I get out of the shower. How sweet it is...
When I was pregnant with Reid I received a gift from a doctor that I had been with during some of my clinicals. She was pregnant with her third child and in the card she had written, "There is no greater joy!" She was so right...there is NO greater joy!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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