Friday, July 18, 2014


Isn't it amazing how God gives us exactly what we need when we are seeking Him? 
I've had a really long, chaotic, and exhausting day. I got in the bath to relax and have my quiet time, and decided to read today's devotion from Jesus Calling. All day I have been struggling with "busyness," and this evening Jeb and I were debating about our schedule, routine, etc. How awesome is it that as soon as I got home and focused on The Lord, THIS is the passage He provided for me?!
I know that the more time I spend with Him, the more "in place" everything else will become.
The most peaceful, joyful, truly happy moment of my day today was at Vacation Bible School. I sat in the back and watched Reid stand on stage and worship our mighty Savior, and then sang "Forever Reign" to Rushton.
Thank you Jesus, for adjusting my focus. 


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