Friday, July 18, 2014

rush. 3 months

Yes, this post is several weeks late. I do, however, have a really good reason for it being so late. The pictures in this post have a weird brownish/faded coloring. I have tried and tried to re-upload them, but they always look the same. The pictures in my posts before and after this one look fine, but for some reason these pictures look terrible! What's so confusing is that the pictures look perfectly normal in my folder on my computer, in iPhoto, and when I upload them to Facebook, however when I upload them to blogger the coloring changes. Anyway, after weeks of research and trying different things, I cannot figure out the problem, so the three month post will just have to have poor quality images. I'll try to upload most of them on Facebook so you can see the true coloring.
Our little Rush man is three months old! This has been the month were Rush has literally "taken off." He started rolling over both ways right at 3 months, and then started army crawling at 3.5 months! We have been absolutely blown away at how fast he is accomplishing milestones! I think it's because he is  trying to keep up with the big kids! We'll put his little orange ball a few feet in front of him and he'll scoot/army crawl until he gets it! He loves rolling all over the living room, and we can't leave him on the bed any longer because he can roll to the edge in no time. Rushton also had his first laugh this month. We were out at the lake one evening and Jeb was talking to him. He started saying, "Ruuuuuuussssshhhh" in a deep, funny voice and Rush thought it was hilarious! It was his first true giggle and was absolutely the sweetest sound!
Rushton smiles all the time and I love how he smiles with his entire body! He's definitely not serious like Reid was as a baby, and I think he even smiles more than LilliAnn did at this age. 
He loves when people talk to him and he loves to give them a big grin!
The big kids are always wanting to hold him or take pictures with him. I have to really watch them because Reid has started trying to carry him around the house. LilliAnn thinks he's her real live baby doll. She likes to pick him up off the floor and put him in her lap. She is always kissing him, pinching his cheeks, or playing with this feet. Poor Rushy never gets left alone!
Love all of these faces!
Sometimes when we talk to him he acts so shy and giddy! It's adorable! 
I love how he scrunches up his little nose!
I think Rush is over pics at this point!
LilliAnn always asks if she can hold Rush and Reid always asks if Rush can lay down by him. 
Favorite thing: monkey WubbaNub! He never wants to let go of that paci! 
We've spent a lot of time out at the lake this past month. Mimi and Papa sure have enjoyed rocking this sweet baby!
He also started kicking this month! He loves to get those legs going!
Things I love:
-your forehead wrinkles when something is interesting to you
-how you gnaw/suck on my hand with your slobbery gums
-how you try and lift yourself up or out of your carrier when you want me to hold you
-how I've always felt like I understood you from the moment you were born; I feel like we connected immediately and I've never had to wonder what you wanted; I started distinguishing your cries and body moments from day one! 
-how squishy you are when I hold you
-rocking you to sleep and singing to you

Things YOU love:
-monkey WubbaNub
-bath time
-Baby Einstein videos
-kicking your feet
-eating your hands
-cuddling in bed next to mommy
-riding in the boat
-watching cartoons

Things you don't love so much: 
-riding in the car
-being left alone/ignored
-LilliAnn picking you up or pinching your cheeks
-a poopy diaper!
-rolling over both ways
-army crawl/scooting 
-kicking things
-holding Wubby and getting it back in your mouth by yourself
-found hands AND feet
-blowing bubbles
-raspberry sounds
-pushes up when on tummy

First family vacation: Big Cedar Lodge - Branson, Missouri (post coming soon!)
Loving bath time!
and those hands!
You're still nursing about every 3 hours, however, we don't have a set feeding schedule and I feed you on demand. You nurse really good and for a long time in the morning and at night, but seem to be a bit of a snacker during the day (probably because we've always got so much going on) so you nurse little bits at a time. You're still sleeping in mommy & daddy's bed and haven't slept throughout the night yet. You nurse about two times a night, and it's convenient just to pull you towards me for night time feedings. You absolutely love morning time and it makes my heart so happy to wake up to your smiling face! You start rolling and scooting towards me when I open my eyes, and your whole body smiles! It's seriously the BEST feeling in the world to know that someone loves you that much!
This was the day you turned three months old. You were barely lifting your chest off the floor, and by the next week you were pushing up completely and rolling everywhere! It's amazing how fast babies learn to do things! 
So many pics, but I want to remember these faces forever! 

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