Monday, April 15, 2013

Letter to My Birthday Girl: 3 Years Old

~ Princess LilliAnn McKenzie Rollins ~
Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all. 
-Proverbs 31:29
Sweet LilliAnn, I cannot imagine my life without you. I knew from the moment you were placed in my arms on April 6, 2010 that all of my dreams had come true. I had thought about you...dreamed about you...wished for you...since I was a little girl myself. I wanted a little girl that was a girly girl...that loved pink...that was kind and gentle, but also a bit silly and sassy...a little girl that loved to sing and dance, primp and pose...a little girl that lit up the room wherever she was. LilliAnn, you are all of those things...and so much more! 
You have always seemed older than your actual age. You took your first steps right before you were 9 months old, talked in sentences before you were one, and knew all the sounds for every letter of the alphabet when you turned two. Now you are writing your name, trying to sound out words, and counting past twenty. Aunt Gayla calls you a "woman child." You are keenly aware of your surroundings and are always minding other people's business...especially Reid's. Some may call it bossy, but I say that you take charge!
 I love how you are mommy's girl, and how you love for me to "cuddle" with you while you watch princess movies (Cinderella is your favorite) before bed. I love how you are ALWAYS saying sweet things to me throughout the day, like "you are my bestest, favorite mommy ever," or "I wike your pretty shirt," and "I love you all the way up to Cinderella." I love how you still ask to "opu" when you get sleepy, but settle for lying your head on my chest and touching my face. I love how you call your nana and papa "nanny and poppy" when you are tired, upset, or are wanting to go see them. You often put "y" or "ie" on the end of words..."coldy," "warmy," "bathy"...I think you get that from me. I love how you are always making up songs and dances...holding your arms in the air and singing to whoever will listen...even if it's just the furniture. You'll grab my chin and say, "This is a new dance. Watch, mommy," or "It's not ova yet, mommy" and grab my chin again. Not a day goes by that you do not sing and dance. You love your Kindermusik class and Ms. Conchita. Your favorite song right now is "Hush Little Baby" and you know every word. You're still very into baby dolls and we usually take Bitty Baby or McKenzie with us everywhere. You wanted more bottles for your babies for Easter, and sometimes I'll find you in random places around the house, giving your baby her bottle, being quiet as a mouse. 
I can't believe that you are three years old. I know it's a cliche, but time has really flown since you were born. I know you are still little, still a baby to me, but I want you to know that I will always support you. I will be always there for you. And I will ALWAYS love you. No matter what you go much you hate me when you are a teenager...or how lonely or down you may feel...I want you to always remember this. You are my everything, LilliAnn, and you will always be my baby. 
This is the verse that I have chosen for you for the next year. 
Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 
- Proverbs 31:30

I want you to realize your inner beauty. I want people to think you're beautiful because of your kindness and love towards them. I want you to fear the Lord and love Him with ALL your heart. I want you to learn that "pretty is as pretty does." My prayer for you is to focus on your inner beauty, to pursue the heart of a servant, to love others more than yourself, and to shed the light of Jesus Christ on everyone that you meet. Trust in Him.
LilliAnn Loves:
  • baby dolls
  • anything princess related
  • brushing her hair
  • putting on make-up
  • steak and hamburger meat
  • potato soup
  • ANY kind of candy...especially Ring Pops and suckers
  • Cinderella
  • dance class
  • singing...especially original songs that she has made up
  • pancakes, sausage, and eggs
  • strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries
  • glitter or sparkles
  • horses
  • giving kisses...and making a smooch sound and holding your face while she kisses you
  • cell phones...real and pretend
  • reading...especially her pink Bible stories for girls
  • being the boss
  • ballet
  • tiaras or "crowns"
  • tea parties
  • putting "jelly" (hair gel) in her hair by herself
  • riding her red Power Wheels 4-wheeler at Nana & Papa's house
When she grows up, LilliAnn wants to be a princess and a doctor, and a mermaid and a cooker, "oh, I mean a chef," and a "baby pusher."
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes - Cinderella
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true
Dream BIG, my little princess!
I love you to the moon...and back.
To read LilliAnn's "Letter to My Birthday Girl: 2 Years Old," click HERE.

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