Sunday, January 12, 2014

week 28. (baby #3)

28 week appointment.
January 6, 2014 - Dr. K. Anthony Shanbour (Mercy Hospital, OKC)
  • total weight gained: 25 pounds
  • fetal heart rate: 155 bpm
I was very pleased with this appointment! I had barely gained any weight since my previous appointment (even through the holidays), my blood pressure was great, I passed my gestational diabetes screening test, and I am not anemic. I measured 29 cm (I've been measuring about a week ahead this entire pregnancy), and the baby's growth is perfect! The baby's estimated weight is around 3 pounds, and it has been moving NON-STOP! Sometimes I feel like the baby is tap dancing or doing karate in my belly. My other two babies moved quite a bit, but their movement doesn't come close to comparing to this baby! The movement is SO intense! It may be because the other two were breech the entire pregnancy and very tight in my uterus. As of now, this baby is head down so I may be feeling movements that I have never felt before. I'm sure my uterus is a little more stretched since this is my third pregnancy, giving this baby a bit more room to move around! Dr. Shanbour told me to make sure that the baby is moving ok…I told him that he didn't have to worry about that! My c-section will be scheduled for March 20, unless the baby decides to come sooner. I really don't think I will make it until March 20. Reid was born almost a month early, and LilliAnn was almost two weeks early. 
I have been feeling great, but this past week the fatigue has started to sneak up on me and the indigestion is horrible! I never had indigestion with my other two, but it is really kicking my butt this time. I feel full, bloated, and nauseated after everything I eat, but that still hasn't seemed to decrease my appetite! I've even had a couple of major throw up episodes late at night because I get terribly nauseated when I lie down to sleep. 
I was really laid-back and relaxed at the beginning of this pregnancy, but I'm starting to get a little bit anxious since this baby could be here in two months! We've moved the playroom to the den, and made space for a nursery, but now it's just an empty room. I still have several things to hang in the playroom and need to get a new TV to hang on the wall, then I plan on starting the baby's room. It's really hard starting on the nursery when I don't know the gender of the baby. I thought I could do it, but the type-A/planner side of me is starting to freak out! I have no nursery ideas, and I really don't want to spend a ton of money on an "over-the-top" nursery since we'll be building one day soon. At least the co-sleeper has arrived, and I have an awesome new breast pump! 
We haven't started the new house yet. The house plans are finalized, but $10,000 of plans later, the house is more than 1,000 square feet bigger than we had originally planned. It is going to be hard to make any cuts in size without completely starting over, so we're trying to decide what we want to do. We're definitely going to build, just trying to decide when will be the best time for us to start, and if this monster 5,600 square foot house is going to put us too much over our budget! Thankfully, we're not in any hurry to build, and I'm trying to embrace my new motto for 2014 - simplify. 

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