Saturday, January 7, 2012

December 4: And that's a WRAP!

Our Christmas activity for this day was a GREAT idea that I got from Pinterest. I let the kids pick out 21of their own books (because it was 21 days until Christmas) and let them help me wrap them. They will get to take turns each night opening a book that is wrapped under the tree and we'll read it before bed. I think this is genius! The kids LOVE getting to open a "present" and we get to read a book that maybe we haven't read in a while. Also, the anticipation of unwrapping the book and guessing which one it's going to be is so much fun for Reid  & LilliAnn!
Here's Reid getting some books from the shelf in his playroom.
They each had their own wrapping paper...Reid had Toy Story and LilliAnn had Disney Princesses. Reid LOVES helping do any kind of "work," so he was all about helping wrap his books.
Sissy wanted to help as well, but her idea of "helping" was to step all of the wrapping paper and steal the tape! "My do it!"
This is the craziest face I've ever seen! She gave me this look when I told her to stop stepping on the paper.
All done! 

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